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Life of Colleen: September 2013

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· You're streets away from where it gets the roughest

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You're streets away from where it gets the roughest
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Monday, September 30, 2013 at 11:02 PM (Pacific)


Cardigan: Margaret O'Leary
Shirt: Brooks Brothers
Earrings: bluehourdesigns
Skirt: gifted
grey stockings
Shoes: Arche

Though you can't see them in the pic, I did treat myself to a nifty pair of silver earrings (Small Porter Hoops) from a shop on Etsy...which are fantastically light (you will forget you're wearing them), yet substantial; the elongated pointy shape like a brush-stroke of bright silver on each ear. The matte finish serves to keep them looking like any other ol' pair of silver hoop earrings. Pretty amazing, really.

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