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Life of Colleen: This is an A train to...

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This is an A train to...
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Monday, June 25, 2012 at 9:30 PM (Pacific)

Sorry I have not posted in a while. I'd like to share a few lines from one of the first websites I can recall liking, namely Overheard in New York. I don't go there often, yet it is funny; it's literally stuff people overhear, and submit to the site. (Not all of it is transit-related; there is something universal about the mass-transit experience.)

Bus driver: Everyone get on the bus, I got a schedule. For those of you sneaking on in the back, can you at least do it fast? I've got places to be.

--B45 Bus

Overheard by: Robin M.

Conductor: This is an express, uptown C train. You heard right: an express C train. Next stop: 125th Street. If you need local service on the Upper West Side, please transfer across the platform to the D, as in "Daddy done did it" or B, as in "bad boy Bobby Brown" train.

--C train, 59th St

Conductor: We are currently being held in the station because of some other A train fucking us all over.

--Uptown A train

Overheard by: la di da

Conductor: You can switch to the A train across the platform. However, I would much rather you stay on this train.

--Downtown C train, 14th St

Overheard by: alxie

Conductor: This train is very crowded. If you cannot fit, please step back and wait for the next train. If you manage to get onto this very crowded train, look at the person next to you and tell them, "Howdy!"

--Queens bound F train

Overheard by: prairiesquid

Conductor: Hello, and welcome to the mobile sauna bath.

--A train

Overheard by: english dude


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