Life of Colleen: March 2014
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posted by Colleen Shirazi
Saturday, March 1, 2014
at 10:27 PM (Pacific)
Top: J.Crew boatneck painter tee (reviewed here)
Hoodie: American Apparel
Jeans: gifted
Boots: La Canadienne
Bag: Dean Accessories
I've owned this shirt for, ah, four years, apparently. It's held up remarkably well.
Was working with someone the other day, and realized he got the IBM Op Codes. It's a massive list, so I tend to pick a few at random:
BBD Branch on Bastille Day
DWIT Do What I'm Thinking
MAZ Multiply Answer by Zero
CAF Convert ASCII to Farsii
TRA Te Rdls Arvs [type ridiculous abbreviations]
TYF Trust Your Feelings
Labels: american apparel, dean accessories, jcrew, ootd, weekend wardrobe
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