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Life of Colleen: Tuesday, already?

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Tuesday, already?
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 10:09 PM (Pacific)

Billie Holiday - "I'll Be Seeing You"

How many versions of this song have I suffered through, from the mawkish (Barry Manilow) to the painfully hip (Mel Tormé)? They all slaughtered this song, except for her. She alchemized it.

I finished the pager, on Monday actually. As usual, my co-worker was right: it adds much functionality. I made it like the Google one, where it initially shows 10 results, and if you click the #10 link, it becomes the center of 20 results. You can scroll back and forth pretty much without thinking about it. There are cases where we have to go through a lot of records, plus it makes any kind of testing easier.

Wore this today:

plaid skirt

It's longer on me, of course. Sometimes it's good not to be overly tall—mini skirts aren't mini on you. This is a fine-textured plaid, brown and cream and chocolate brown? black?

Along with, I wore a dark brown Eddie Bauer turtleneck, this sweater, but in a soft greyish-brown, not black:

kimono sleeve sweater

...dark brown tights, and Cydwoq boots:

cydwoq boots

Yes! some day I'll take a pic of the actual boots. They're mid-calf, which I find exceedingly handy in our ever-changing weather.

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