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Life of Colleen: Nothing but blue skies from now on*

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Nothing but blue skies from now on*
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 9:41 PM (Pacific)


Cardigan: Sundance Catalog
Top: Peruvian Connection
Necklace: made by me
Skirt: gifted (navy blue)
Navy blue tights
Shoes: J.Crew Camden brogues (black)

The necklace is an older piece:

thai silver flower pendant necklace

...and I'm yet contemplating redoing it. Imo the lapis beads are just a bit too small to look right. I adore the pendant (from Shiana); not only is it striking, if you run your fingers over it, you'll feel how each edge was hand-finished. I might check out my LBS (local bead store) some time...and it needs to be a bit longer.

All of that said, the silver and oxidized grey of the pendant, combined with lapis blue, work well with something like this top, where the color is a tad murky.

* Still dig Bobby Darin:

Bobby Darin, "Blue Skies" (1962)

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