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Life of Colleen: The Body Shop Japanese Cherry Blossom Bath and Shower Gel review

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The Body Shop Japanese Cherry Blossom Bath and Shower Gel review
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 12:01 AM (Pacific)

the body shop shower gel
$13 for 8.5 fl oz

My daughter turned me on to this...or I should say, she persuaded me to enter The Body Shop to begin with. I'm not inclined toward such stores, tending to find much of my bath and body products in health food stores. And she looked around summarily, before settling on this.

May I say, I actually dislike Bath & Body Works in the main, which is why it didn't occur to me to visit The Body Shop. The two had become entwined in my mind, places of strongly, even harshly and chemically, scented stuffs.

But it's hardly true of this product. In fact I was pleasantly surprised. (You can hear my wallet groan in the distance.) This has a delicate, natural-smelling fragrance, faintly flowery, with the slightest inclination toward cherry. A decidedly feminine smell.

The product itself isn't moisturizing particularly, nor is it drying. It's on a par with other mild shower gels I've tried, perhaps a tad more drying than my usual Jason Satin Shower Body Wash. It lathers handily; you don't need much.

The image above looks, well, horrible and plastic-y; in reality, the transparent bottle with its clear pink gel is nice to look upon.

All in all...would I repurchase? Oh, no, I'd go into The Body Shop with my daughter and look at what has to be a bazillion scented items and probably walk out with something else. But I am pleased with TBS on the basis of this product.


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