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Life of Colleen: Random wardrobe meanderings part 18

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Random wardrobe meanderings part 18
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 12:01 AM (Pacific)

Still need to go through my Museum of Flight pictures, as there are tons of them. In fact I'd like to go there again; you'd need several days to fully appreciate everything. It is an amazing place.

So, let's take a break and return to wardrobe randomness. :)

/* how to pack lots of stuff into a small bag */

(bunch of Farsi goes here)

It's in Farsi, but fortunately there are many pictures. I tried it on my furlough trip; it works.

/* wardrobe drooling starts here */

Since we San Francisco Bay-Areans didn't have much of a summer...frankly, Seattle was warmer (never thought I'd say that)...drooling over fall clothing should commence sooner for us. Heck, we could wear some of it right now.

/* plaid */
plaid shirts

I was disappointed in the plaids at J.Crew thus far, and hope the plaids above don't turn out to be the same, well, cruddy quality. A plaid shirt should be a minor work of art.

/* textured tights */
textured cotton tights

These appear identical to the B.ella Codori Crochet tights I own in ivory; only they have the espresso brown ones (not the graphite though).

/* corduroy skirt */
j.crew cord atlee skirt
J.Crew Cord Atlee Skirt

Tried this on last time I visited the b & m; didn't like it. Nice color (dark navy blue; blue-dark, not black-dark), but too short. I wish they had this at the b & m's instead:

j.crew cord pencil skirt
J.Crew Cord Pencil Skirt

I know, making clothing more season-spanning is a good thing, but, when it gets cold enough to wear corduroy, I don't want to wear a short skirt?

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