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Life of Colleen: Notes from the inside

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Notes from the inside
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Monday, November 15, 2010 at 9:56 PM (Pacific)

Hi! Bleh, now it's dark when I get home from work, which is when I'd have normally taken my OOTD pics. I dislike indoor photography, but suppose I'll have to finagle something some time.

Today I did another software demo/training thing, so it was something like this:

old ootd pic

...only with the cami's frill better-behaved (J.Crew Bettina, in "White Ash"). I've given up having it flop urbanely, as it does in my Warm Taupe version; different Bettina's frills flop differently, apparently, but I'm okay with that.

Along with, my Jackie cardigan in Pearl (worn many times), black Cole Haan flats (likewise), these earrings:

handmade pearl and chain earrings

...which were, incidentally, inspired by a white azalea bush on Milvia (Berkeley). It's just this small, inconspicuous bush, but when it flowers, it's covered in tiny white stars.

This weekend I attended BADCamp, which is Bay Area Drupal Camp. I'd been to only one before, in 2009, but consider 2010 better. Some parts of it reminded me of college, in the good, programming classes sense (not in the dreary, required classes sense).

I should say, I was privileged to have studied under good programmers. Hard to describe unless you do it yourself, but there are times when you're on a different plane.

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