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Life of Colleen: OOTD; Leather Honey review

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OOTD; Leather Honey review
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Monday, May 30, 2011 at 9:17 PM (Pacific)


T-shirt: gifted
Jacket: C&C California
Skirt: Velvet by Graham and Spencer
Boots: Cydwoq Deck

Hope your Memorial Day went well.

Would I have worn this shirt back home? smirks I was feeling sentimental, thinking about my math tutor today. He was a Vietnam veteran, and one of the nicest people I can remember from Norfolk. Always wondered what happened to him.

I tried the Leather Honey out, on the above boots and on Cydwoq Art, and the soles of my Cydwoq Extreme boots. I didn't do the entire Extreme boot because, ah, they were just polished.

Hm. First of all, it does darken the leather some. It showed more on the Art shoes, which went from a sort of greyish brownish green, to a deep rich greenish brown. I can admit I like the new color better. The Deck boots went slightly deeper...they'd already darkened some the first time I started messing around with some Meltonian shoe cream. Can I confess I like playing around with this stuff? If you've got black shoes, it's fine if they look new, but brown shoes are far more elegant aged.

I poked at the shoes after the requisite two hours had passed, wasn't particularly impressed...the real beauty appeared the following day. By then the Leather Honey had softened the leather. Ah...and if you'd applied gobs of it, supposedly your shoes would ooze Leather Honey, but these poor desiccated babies had drunk it right up. Only a slight bit of residue, to buff off with a cloth.

The Deck boots had always been kind of stiff, to the point I disliked walking in them for any appreciable length of time, but now they feel much more flexible. The Art shoes are softer now as well.

Which is great...and it's supposed to be water-resistant, but not remaining question has to do with extending the wear of leather soles. If this stuff can do that, it will have more than paid for itself.

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