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Life of Colleen: OOTD; random notes

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OOTD; random notes
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Saturday, April 16, 2011 at 10:34 PM (Pacific)


Top: a white tee shirt :)
Jacket: C & C California
Skirt: Velvet by Graham and Spencer (worn many times)
Shoes: Cydwoq Art (also worn here)

Pixelated close-up of the fish pendant (tooled sterling silver, with two lapis stones):

sterling silver fish pendant

It's occurred to me, I don't do casual overly well. I got the pendant and jacket to match :D otherwise, I have jeans, cord pants, and lots of tee shirts (including some nice ones from the tech-bubble days)...but I have focused much of my effort on developing my work wardrobe.

Casual clothes should be easy, since you need to please only yourself, i.e., you should wear stuff you would not necessarily wear to work. For the same reason, imo, a work wardrobe is important in the first place. You are an actor, playing a role, and your job is to play this role in the finest way that you can. So how you look reflects what you do, and looking the part makes it easier to get into the groove.

Hence...much as I love this Velvet skirt, it's really not a weekend skirt. I'm thinking something more like this:

tiered jersey skirt

...only not in this color. I like the shade, but it's not relaxing (I was sitting on a log today, and hardly felt like wondering what would happen to my skirt).

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