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Life of Colleen: Runfree Hosiery Repair notes

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Runfree Hosiery Repair notes
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Friday, June 3, 2011 at 8:08 PM (Pacific)

runfree hosiery repair
Run Free Hosiery Repair

I got to try this (wouldn't you know it?) pretty much right away, when one of my stockings showed a pull—not yet a run, nor quite a hole, but sure to develop into one or the other.

This product smells strongly of chemicals when wet, but dries quickly. It's easy to use (as easy as clear nail polish would be). The advantages of this over clear nail polish are supposed to be: it won't stick to your skin, and won't dry hard. It did stick a bit to my skin (nothing a brief tug didn't fix). As promised, the product was perfectly flexible when dry.

Interestingly, it didn't quite dry clear. The area where I'd applied it showed a wee bit lighter than the stocking itself. It occurred to me perhaps I'd used too much. It just sort of melds with the stocking fabric, so you'd need only enough to cover the hole and ring of stitches surrounding it.

So far, I'm quite pleased. My next tests would be: a.) see how it fares after laundering the stocking; b.) try it proactively on not-yet-worn-out stocking toes; c.) see if I can use it to "glue" a fancy stocking in which I'd popped a stitch.

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