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Life of Colleen: OOTD; more Leather Honey and Summer Soles notes

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OOTD; more Leather Honey and Summer Soles notes
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Friday, June 10, 2011 at 6:29 PM (Pacific)


Top: J.Crew Lace-stripe tissue tee in Buff
Cardigan: J.Crew Jackie in Dark Charcoal
Sunnies: gifted
Earrings: made by me (grey freshwater pearls with small aquamarines)
Skirt: gifted (denim)
Textured navy blue stockings
Boots: Cydwoq Extreme

Been meaning for a while to take a "fashion blogger sunglasses pic." :)

I've now tried Leather Honey on shoe soles. It works fine on soles which have already been scuffed some, but makes virgin soles a tad slippery. Scuff first.

On the shoes themselves: it loosens up shoes which have already fully stretched out...which can be good (my Cole Haans used to feel a bit tight at day's end).

I've also tossed my first pair of Summer Soles, meaning they lasted over nine months. I do make a point of rotating my shoes to let them dry out, but the 'Soles were getting kinda raggy. They pretty much peeled right out, leaving a slight tackiness in the heel, which disappeared when I cleaned the inside of the shoe. Much impressed...but why don't they make some with anti-microbial properties?

ETA: I did get to tuck the Lace-stripe tee into something, finally: a high-waisted skirt (same one here but in taupe).

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