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Life of Colleen: Notes on J.Crew Lace-over tank

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Notes on J.Crew Lace-over tank
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 10:15 PM (Pacific)

j.crew lace-over tank in smoky charcoal
J.Crew Lace-over tank in Smoky Charcoal

Got to see this in person, but only in Smoky Charcoal, Ivory, and Taupe; no Shore Pink or Dark Navy.

Is it me? Do your b & m 'Crews appear to stock only some colors of items now? I find that annoying.

This tops runs big. I could wear a Small in it, where I'd normally try Large first. There didn't seem to be much difference between Small and Medium, actually...I'd probably spring for Medium here, if only because I prefer looser-fitting tops.

About the colorways: they really need to stock them all. I'd normally have gravitated toward Ivory or Taupe, over Smoky Charcoal, but the former looked blah on me when tried on. Smoky Charcoal fared well.

The quality was a bit off here too. I noted the buttonholes hadn't been finished nicely. Okay, technically there's no reason to unbutton the top, being henley style—ironically the shirt is presented in the store with the first two buttons undone, and those buttonholes look fine—for a $52 top, you'd expect a bit more. Oh, and the top of the placket looked kinda fuzzy. Okay, I could just take it home and sew it...grumbles

On the plus side, the lace layer over thin cotton effect was quite pretty. The neckline was too low on me, but then I usually wear a camisole under just about everything, so big whoop. I was tempted by Smoky Charcoal...but couldn't they have stocked Shore Pink and Dark Navy? How would navy blue lace look? Would the pink appear too close to my skin color to pack much of a punch?

I liked how the top was long enough, and loose enough at the hem, to be worn untucked. Usually I like to tuck in my tops, but here you'd want the lace to show.

Overall...had the 'Crew stocked the pink and navy shades, I might well have bought one FP. Waiting for the price to drop can be risky, in terms of getting an un-shopworn item in the color and size you want, and a pretty, business-casual-friendly top that would work in hot weather is something I can use.

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