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Life of Colleen: Our lips are sealed

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Our lips are sealed
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Saturday, September 17, 2011 at 11:17 AM (Pacific)

The Go-Go's, "Our Lips Are Sealed" (1981)

This is the effervescent version of this song; pensive Fun Boy Three version here:

Fun Boy Three, "Our Lips Are Sealed" (1983)

To this day, I find the two interpretations interesting. The song was written by Jane Wiedlin (Go-Go's) and Terry Hall (Fun Boy Three); versions and videos contrast sunny carefree 1980's with its darker more serious flavor.

Random work thoughts...there are four programmers I've wanted to work with, since I began working at UC Berkeley. That doesn't mean I don't want to work with other programmers; it's not that. It's just you have an immediate sense of the other guy's skill. I've never held with the idea of being a cowboy programmer; the search is to find someone at your skill level—or better—where you feel the work styles are compatible.

I actually work with one of them (the aforementioned Yoda), one of them left Berkeley for UCSF, one of them probably doesn't know I exist, and the fourth, most important one, I have worked with in a limited context. Not that Yoda isn't important (imagine Star Wars without him), but, as I say, you have an immediate sense of the other guy's capabilities, and that is what is attractive, above and beyond the project at hand.

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