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Life of Colleen: R.I.P. Steve Jobs

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R.I.P. Steve Jobs
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at 6:55 PM (Pacific)

steve jobs

There will always be a warm place in my heart for the now late, and great, Steve Jobs.

I don't even care for Apple products, much (ducks), but the thing Jobs accomplished was to make computers and software fun and intuitive. "Fun" and "intuitive" were not buzzwords in application design, particularly, until, well, Jobs sold the concepts.

Now the average user expects software to be incredibly easy, and even a pleasure, to use. It's harder to make it that way, but ultimately it's better. If we were producing nothing but generic software, surely it could be outsourced; it's the customization which is valuable now.

Rest easy, Steve...I'm looking forward to jumping on that iMat.

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