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Life of Colleen: Soapwalla Kitchen deodorant cream review

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Soapwalla Kitchen deodorant cream review
posted by Colleen Shirazi on Thursday, December 8, 2011 at 8:18 PM (Pacific)

Been trying this out over the past six days, as a potential substitute for traditional anti-perspirant (the aluminum and paraben in which have been associated with cancer).

I'm super-picky about this sort of thing, and have tried alternatives such as the crystal:

crystal deodorant

...which is great for prohibiting odor—better imo than commercial anti-perspirants, for this function—but useless for wetness.

Hm. So far, Soapwalla's deo rocks. I've had a few slightly clammy moments, and for super stressful days I would probably fall back on my traditional anti-perspirant (at least I think I would). I've worn this exercising (no stink...amazing). This is a cold-weather trial; no idea how well it holds out in high temps.

Overall, I feel totally dry with this stuff, to the point I forget I'm wearing a non-aluminum-containing product.

It's a slight extra step applying it, because it's a cream. You are to thinly apply it all over your armpit. It's smooth even on chilly mornings (yeah!), smells nice (lavendery-herbal, with a skosh of mint); the scent is not too strong.

It will be interesting to try this out in summer; another gripe I have with traditional anti-perspirant is its tendency to leave difficult-to-remove stains on shirts—there's even a product for that (scroll down to Deo-Go, which I haven't tried).

I found out about Soapwalla Kitchen from this post: Pretty in Green.

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